Once you have enabled the backup copies, these will be made periodically in the directory that you've selected. If you have not selected any, they will be saved to the default directory. To prevent backup copies from occupying too much space, there is an expiry date (30 days by default) after which the program will eliminate the copies from your hard disk. For more information, refer to the section on the Expiry and location of backup copies.
You can save the copies on CD or DVD whenever you want.
When you save the backup copies to CD or DVD, the wizard will ask you for as many disks as are necessary to save the data. Make sure you have enough disks before starting the process. It is advisable to use DVD discs to save backup copies, as they have greater storage capacity.
Follow these steps in order to save backup copies to CD or DVD:
Click Status in the main screen in .
In the Maintenance section, click Settings.
Click on Save to CD/DVD.
Select the backup copy you want to save to CD or DVD and click Save.
A window will appear asking you to insert a disc in the CD or DVD writer drive. Before you do this, write the name that the message suggests on the disc so that you can identify it later. Click OK.
When you have recorded all the discs necessary you will see a message indicating that the process has finished successfully.